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Supplier Enablement: Supplier Enablement - collaborate for profit

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Supplier Enablement - collaborate for profit

Why do we need paper?

We don’t, it is just that we are accustomed to the use of paper and the idea that it is “on file” although we can’t always find that piece of paper when it is urgently needed.

Consider this, in our personal lives we are accustomed to buying online, often major purchases such as vacations, where there is no paper as all transactions are electronically recorded and notified by e-mail or SMS. It seems we like the convenience of paperless transactions and this is no impediment to either you or your supplier; in fact, you choose to shop online because you get a better deal. Why is that? Your supplier is stripping cost out of their business by streamlining the transaction and, importantly, it is instant, which is the way we like it.

As we move from our personal into our working lives we see how cumbersome it is make purchases when we have to negotiate the system. It is not actually a system it is a reference to the people, the form filling and the protocol of getting through the required paperwork. Many stories have been told about how you go around the system because the delays are unacceptable and results in maverick buying.

So, if we don’t use paper what will we use? In business we will increasingly use electronic documents. The reasons are many and include saving time and money.

Now, the reality is that in business a buyer and supplier will need to agree they will use electronic documents. Buyers will send electronic purchase orders to suppliers who will reply with electronic shipping notices and invoices. No more need for paper.

As a supplier have your buyers requested that you provide electronic documents such as catalogues and invoices? They may have spoken about XML documents. How did you respond? Was your answer; I would if I could, if I knew how to.

This blog is for suppliers to exchange their stories and ask for help.

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IMPAQ’s positions, strategies or opinions.


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