Are you getting enough?
BBC South Today featured a conference organised by SEEDA for small businesses to meet the Olympic organisers to know how they can 'cash in' on opportunities. It seems that some small businesses feel they are at a disadvantage.The Olympic 2012 web site has an eTendering web site that shows past, current and future opportunities so that is easily accessible, check it out.
But the spend on the Olympics 2012 is small compared to what the UK public sector spends annually, so how are small businesses doing in the competition for public sector contracts? Are you getting enough?
A report has just been published by the DTI with more statistics that you could shake a stick at. Click here for the report. Can't be bothered and just need the headlines, here goes:

I bet you now want to read that report?
Click here and put the kettle on
Labels: DTI, Olympics 2012, public sector contracts, Small Business Forum, SME
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